Android Smart Visitor

Get Clear Calls and Best Sound from Earbud iLeaf & Mic Combo

October 29, 2011 | By Andro ID

Android tablet has been great for gaming and media in new ways, but people may still want to make a call GTalk on Xoom. The Ounuo iLeaf is a combo earphone earbud-microphone-and great for people looking to listen to the media or have a video chat.

Instead of using a thin coiled wire common between the earphones, iLeaf feature flat wires tend to tangle. However, it also creates sound problems if too much pressure is applied to the cable, so users should be aware not to rest the elbow or arm in atasnya.Speaker mini iLeaf Ounuo not as stunning as lines Beats earphones. They also are not nearly as expensive and still a big step above the average headset.

The combination of better bass support and cancel external noise makes for a sound, crunchy berbeda.Tiga earbud sizes to help buyers find the most comfortable set-up. Even more entertaining is the sound quality is usually super. iLeaf bass pump with the "precision" is not a creak or noise. Microphone sounds almost as good as the headset of your desktop and run lancar.Bahwa conversation extends to the voice call quality as well, so you should have no trouble understanding anyone as long as your network can handle the bandwidth.

The presence of a microphone for calls to function as an added bonus for couples who already draw from the earphones. 1.2m cable length only boys are shorter than most earphones, but iLeaf perform better than the average headset. iLeaf provide multimedia options to listen to the premium of less than premium price, and serves more than enough when communicating with others. Available in colors Black, Blue, Green, Purple, Orange, or white color.

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