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Turns Your Phone into A Handsfree Mount and Tripod use Phoneboat

October 29, 2011 | By Andro ID

EVO 4G HTC Android phones are great for several reasons. Many people love the way that allows hands-free video calls and watch video on their phones. But there are many other Android phones lack kickstand that can benefit from more hands-free option.

Kickstarter is a community-based funding system that promises to seek independent projects like Jeffcoat it. Each project funding set goals and deadlines, then the money is collected only if the destination is reached. Practically every Android phone you can think of - from small to large Aria HTC Motorola Droid X - will be matched with Slide Phoneboat. Designer Robert Jeffcoat hopes to bring the prototype for all the phone if he can secure funding on Kickstarter.com.

Phoneboat is an interesting smartphone accessory that will allow new uses if graduates from prototype to product. Universal mobile phone tripod, mount, and stand can take photos or record video on a tripod, prop-up the phone for video chat, or even used as a hands-free flashlight when trying to change a tire at night. We have seen that the smartphone can replace a lot of things, and this is one accessory that can extend the advanced functions.

It will take $ 20,000 for Jeffcoat to build Phoneboat (iPhone 4 only) and Slide Phoneboat (universal and compatible with Android phones). Promising $ 25 will ensure that you receive Slide Phoneboat if the destination is reached. You can also promised more money and receive additional benefits.

source: androinica.com
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