Android Smart Visitor

Flashlight Fastest Pro v1.0.0 Apk App

January 11, 2012 | By Andro ID

Requirements: 1.5+
Overview: Uses the camera flash in a constant on position for a fast and great flashlight.

The only Flashlight app with a large battery display!
It instantly turns your Phone into a real flashlight to illuminate your path so that you can open the door, or find your keys in your bag.
Uses the camera flash in a constant on position for a fast and great flashlight.
As bright as bright can be and as fast as fast can be.
Very easy to use and FAST to load. Hit the icon and the flashlight is on. There is a button on the screen to turn on and off so you don't need to exit the APP.
The app displays the available battery life of your device at all times
Sp your phone by your bed for instant light in the middle of the night!
No more stubbing your toes!
Try it now and see for yourself ...

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