Android Smart Visitor

gReader (Google Reader | RSS) v2.4.9 beta Apk App

January 11, 2012 | By Andro ID

Requirements: Android 2.1+
Overview: gReader is an unofficial Google Reader client for Android. Read all your rss/feed news in one place with Google Reader, where keeping up with your favorite websites is as easy as checking your email.

* Google Reader Synchronization
* 2-Way Sync (include star items)
* Simple, fast and intuitive User Interface:
* Offline Reading with full article content
* Tablet (Honeycomb) support
* Podcast support (streaming)
* Themes: Black, Blue and Dark (Pro)
* Folders / Tags support
* Auto synchronization
* Notification
* Share articles via Email, Facebook, Twitter, ...
* Save to Read it later / Instapaper
* Search feature
* Rich article list (snippet and thumbnail)
* Widgets
* Easy Reading: Reading mode view, inverse webpage color
* Fullscreen mode: Enlarge your reading space
* People you follow, Recommended items / sources
* HTTPS connection: Use Http Secure to get your feeds
* Saving media files
* App2SD

What's new in v2.4.9 beta
* Podcast: Add media player for playing podcast in the background
* Swiping: Improve swipe action, option for disabling swiping action through articles
* Subscription: Item limit increase limit of read items to 100 for synchronizing subscriptions
* Keep unread: Selecting keep unread items won't be marked as read when Mark All As Read
* Star & Save page: Add Star and Save page will mark the item as read
* Night mode: Improve color for night mode
* Widgets: Add option "unread only"
* Bug fixes: auto cleanup issue, save image from cache issue, crashes on Gawker sites (Lifehacker, Gizmodo, ...), image fit issue

Note: This is beta-full version !

Download Instructions:
addtomyyahoo4 Subscribe in NewsGator Online Add to My AOL
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