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mufin player pro v1.7 Apk App

January 11, 2012 | By Andro ID

Requirements: 2.1+
Overview: The most stylish music player for Android: interactive music visualization

mufin player pro is a unique player, that offers great possibilities for music lovers to enjoy their tunes on Android devices. mufin player pro visualizes your music collection as an interactive music map: like google maps for your music collection.

The pro version offers you even more features: more design options, even longer auto-playlists, even more musical enjoyment.

Special features of the pro-app:
✯ Create automatic mufin-playlists consisting of 20 instead of 10 songs
✯ Change the axis assignments and choose between
-Sad – happy
-Electronic – acoustic
-Less – more percussion
-Quiet – aggressive
-Dark – light sound color
-Male – female vocals
✯ Vary the filter assignments:
-Recently added
-Recently played
-Most played songs
-Artist name
-Album name
-Track name
-Track length
✯ Download your mufin.drive music collection on your mobile phone

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