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Play By Ear - Ear Training v1.1 Apk App

January 21, 2012 | By Andro ID

Requirements: Android 2.2+
Overview: Learn to play music by ear with call-and-response ear training exercises.

Play By Ear is a call-and-response ear training application that helps you develop the ability to hear pitches and play them back on your instrument by ear. The call-and-response nature of Play By Ear allows you to click a single button to generate continuous ear training exercises, freeing up your hands so you can play the ear training exercises back on your instrument. Using your instrument to play the notes allows you to practice ear training in a method that most closely matches how you'll actually play music.


- Hands-free, continuous play
- Interval exercises
- Chord exercises
- Random melody exercises
- Scale pattern melody exercises
- Jazz lick melody exercises
- Melodic and harmonic note sequences
- Ascending and descending note sequences
- Customizable tempo
- Ability to show or hide the first note
- C, Bb, Eb, F, G, and D key centers to match your instrument

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