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4 Honeycomb tablet dan 2 ponsel Ice Cream in Dell roadmaps

November 01, 2011 | By Andro ID

A device leaked Dell roadmap shows that the future is not too far Honeycomb. Dell's roadmap has been their first tablet Honeycomb, the Dell Gallo, is scheduled for April. After that will Sterling Dell in October, and Opus One and Silver Oak tablet coming in October. There is no specification is given in one tablet, and an indication if the name codenames or not, but I hope that at least the "Gallo" is a code name. I can deal with other names, but the name that brings back bad memories of  Vincent Gallo and "The Brown Bunny". Also on the roadmap tablet is "Handwriting" upgrade for the Dell Streak, landed in July, and upgrades are similar to Gallo in October.

On the smartphone side of things, Dell has 2 registered phone: Hancock and the Millennium. Both phones look into packs similar specs. Hancock is registered with the dual-core processor, 4 "QHD screen, 8 MP camera back, front camera 1.3 MP, and" 1080p ", but there is no indication if it is output or recording capabilities. Hancock also looks to feature a slide- out. millennium has similar specs, but with a 4.3 "QHD support, DLNA display and no physical keyboard. The interesting thing is that both are listed as running "Ice Cream" as the OS. Hancock is listed for the end of August, and the Millennium for October, so if the right list, which would confirm the "Ice Cream launched in the summer" rumors that have circulated.

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