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Android and Windows Mobile platforms, Garmin-ASUS switched

November 01, 2011 | By Andro ID

Although the long-awaited nuvifone G60 is still scheduled to be released with their Linux custom products, Garmin, ASUS has decided that future offerings of the navigation / phone device they will be based either on Windows or Android operating system. Maybe Garmin-ASUS will drop the custom build of Linux support Android for future devices. That's not something that is not possible

Several new features found in Garmin Nuvifone G60, a smartphone juiced with navigation and other location-based services, has been delayed for some time because of problems with their custom software / hardware in the device. Move to WinMo or Android tight to their likely response to a headache.

Hektor Tung of the Garmin-ASUS stated corporate change in the course of an interview with CNETAsia. He also revealed that the first Android device from Garmin-Asus will be released later this year. So, be patient for those of you who are awaiting the Garmin-ASUS

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