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The end of Sony Ericsson partnership, Sony will buy out Ericsson

November 01, 2011 | By Andro ID

Sony Ericsson will be no more now that the two companies behind the joint venture have announced that they will part ways. Confirming the persistent rumors that reappeared this month, Ericsson announced today that Sony Corporation will buy out its 50 percent stake in SE and assume control of the mobile operation.

The 1.05 billion euro purchase gives Sony complete control of what will soon be the Company Formerly Known as Sony Ericsson. As previously reported, this move is done to make Sony’s mobile efforts more focused and agile. The partnership with Ericsson previously faced complications about decision making and a lack of focus. That’s why seemingly competing products like the Xperia Play and Sony Tablet P existed. Sony believes that with complete control of its mobile efforts, it can refocus and deliver better products and a better overall experience.

Sony CEO Sir Howard Stringer made that clear in this statement released today.

“We can more rapidly and more widely offer consumers smartphones, laptops, tablets and televisions that seamlessly connect with one another and open up new worlds of online entertainment. This includes Sony’s own acclaimed network services, like the PlayStation Network and Sony Entertainment Network…We can help people enjoy all our content – from movies to music and games – through our many devices, in a way no one else can.”

What does this mean for people who currently own a Sony Ericsson product? That’s unclear at the moment. Sony Ericsson has previously promised to deliver major updates to all of its Xperia Android line released in 2011, and today’s announcement made no mention about an immediate shift in strategy. It would be in Sony’s best interest to continue supporting devices like the Xperia Play and Xperia Arc, so there’s no need to fret just yet.
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