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Media Check-in on GetGlue Android app adds Real-time Chat Featured

November 01, 2011 | By Andro ID

GetGlue has often been described as "Foursquare for TV" because of its resemblance to location-based services. But instead of check-in to physical places, members GetGlue check-ins to television shows, movies, music, books, and video games. They then get a "sticker" (badges) for certain actions and connect with others who enjoy the same program or activity.

A new wrinkle that the social aspect of TV and more have been added which should make GetGlue a bit more social. Members can now view or participate in real-time communication based on what others are doing. So the next time you watch NBC star Whitney and do something crazy, you can add a comment about wanting to see the scene where Whitney's first marriage ruins. Friends and other fans checking in to show that then will look at other GetGlue check-in and tweets presented in chronological order. Replies to comments are listed on a separate screen, so the conversation can trigger without disturbing the flow to other users.

Features real-time conversations also works when checking in to read the Comics Ultimate Spiderman, Bon Iver listen, or play Battlefield 3. GetGlue promising that filter the stream to show only "interesting comments" and eliminate the noise. Along with the enhanced option designed - such as easier access to check-in and screen chat-like - GetGlue now makes it easier to discuss the media that the member consume.

What will be interesting is how GetGlue up for Facebook, which is approaching the area similar to a "frictionless sharing" feature that automatically announces its what you listen to on Spotify, read the online activities, and more. Which has the potential to be spam and annoying while GetGlue focused on people who actively share and want to know what others are doing. The challenge will be that Facebook is set up with a big audience - GetGlue has a sizable community of more than 1.5 million members, but it's not as strong as 800 million FB - and has the advantage of a built-in to everyday life.
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