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The War in Japan, Samsung vs Apple

November 01, 2011 | By Andro ID

Samsung Electronics of South Korea, states are working to prevent the sale of the latest model of Apple's iPhone in Japan and Australia.

This effort is an extension of war by the South Korean company U.S. company.

Samsung said it has delivered the first lawsuit to court Tokyo and the state of New South Wales to ban sales of the iPhone 4S because they hijack the Samsung technology patents.

The Korean company is also trying to ban penjualaniPhone 4 and iPad 2 in Japan, after Apple won a temporary ban on the sale of Galaxy 10.1 tablet Australia.

"Apple continues to violate our patent rights and freedom of movement of our technology. We can not remain silent and will vigorously protect our intellectual property," Samsung said as quoted by AFP.

Japan lawsuit includes allegations of plagiarism technology patents, said Samsung.

Trade war between Apple and Samsung in getting the global electronics market worth 100 billion U.S. dollars that began last April in the United States when Apple accused Samsung copied the iPhone and the iPad.

Since then, Apple is trying to ban sales of smart phones Galaxy S and Galaxy Tab in Germany, Australia and several other states.

In a recent development, a Dutch court on Friday last week rejected the request to ban sales of Samsung 3G phones and tablet computers because Apple deemed plagiarized Samsung wireless technology.
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