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New Games Channel from The9 to fight Closure Android Market in China

November 01, 2011 | By Andro ID

When the Android Market decreased in most places, people panic for several hours and then return to their business until the next failure occurs several weeks or months later. In China, market failure is more frequent and annoying because of outages that lasted for several days, not hours.

Chinese game company The9 launched its own Android application distribution channels, supported by OpenFeint, in order to combat the "public disturbance" caused by market failure. Partnering with three Chinese operators, The9 will set-up Game Zone that allows smartphone users in China to have access to the games continue during power outages.

"Official Android shutdowns is a recurring problem for mobile users and developers," said Chris Shen, GM The9 Mobile Business Unit, in a statement released today. "However, our partnership with China application distribution reaches more than 30 channels including major telecom operators, mobile device manufacturers and third party channels."

The9 basically serves as a publisher for developers looking to reach out to Chinese users. The company has a fund that helps translate the game that was built by the developers of America and Europe, then provides an easy way to publish an application once and have it appear in 30 stores of different applications. Yes, 30. (And you thought managing Amazon and Google downloaded it difficult?)

Chinese gamers are already using alternative application stores a lot and do not rely exclusively on the Android Market. Many people believe the majority of the 100 million smartphone users in China would love to have that luxury, but The9 think it can be set-up a partnership to make that not be a problem.
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