Android Smart Visitor

Android Weather v1.5.6 Apk App

January 11, 2012 | By Andro ID

Requirements: Android 2.2+
Overview: Android Weather, your quick and accurate weather app, provides detailed weather for all cities worldwide, it searches for cities and locates them quickly, and provides the current temperature, current weather condition, humidity and wind status, in addition, four days weather forecast.

Android weather, is 100% free, and it comes with a cool widget, cool icons, portrait and landscape user interface. here is the app features:
1 - The app provides, the current temperature, current weather condition, humidity and wind status, in addtion, four days weather forecast
2 - Home screen widget to show current weather temperature and condition, current weather location, current time and date.
3- The widget has multiple clickable areas; the clock and date opens the default clock app, and the weather icon or other weather texts open the weather app.
4 - Portrait and landscape user interface
5 - Searches for all cities in the world by country and city or famous cities.
6 - You can set your internet source to Wi-Fi only.
7 - You can disable internet access from operators while you are in roaming.
8 - You can set your preferred temperature unit, Celsius or Fahrenheit.
9 - Automatic update intervals are, 1 hour, 3 hours, 12 hours or Manual update.
10 - 100% free of charge.

What's in this version:
Version: 1.5.6
Now in German, French, Dutch, Turkish in addition to English and more locales coming.
More fixes and improvements.

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