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Ghost Camera v1.0.1 Apk App

January 11, 2012 | By Andro ID

Requirements: Android 2.0.1+
Overview: Use “Ghost Camera” to take a photo with ghosts or add ghosts to photos in your gallery and share them with friends through Email, Facebook, Twitter and other photo services.

Different types of ghosts for you to select.
Scare your friends by taking ghost photos and sharing them.
Enjoy and have fun!
Keywords: Ghost, Ghosts, Ghost Camera, GhostCam, Funny Camera, Camera effects, Camera pro.
1. Take new photo, live preview ghost on camera
2. Select photo from gallery
3. Adding ghosts, resize, move, rotate ghosts and make transparency
4. Save the photo to SD Card.
5. Share photo with ghosts using email, facebook, twitter, etc….

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